(Please scroll down for English version of the post)
Mano apylinkės paštas jau pusę metų nustojo nešti siuntinius. Registruotus, neregistruotus, paprastąsias siuntas, net registruotus plonučius laiškus. Tiesa, iki pašto tik penkios minutės pėstute, tačiau darbo laikas tinka nebent pačioms pašto darbuotojoms - 9-17h. Tad taip ir susiklostė, kad siuntinukus galiu pasiimti tik keturis kartus per mėnesį - penktadieniais, kai dirbu valandėle trumpiau. Oi, patikėkit kaip pikta. Ypač pikta, kai jau nuo antradienio žinai, kad gavai siuntinuką pilną įvairiausių skanumynų iš tolimosios (=artimosios) Jungtinės Karalystės. Šį mėnesį man teko laimė siuntinėlį gauti iš Kim. Tuo tarpu maniškis keliavo pas Abbie į Češyrą. Abbie užsiminė, kad jai patinka prieskoniais gardinti patiekalus, tad savojoje dėžutėje rado įvairiausių prieskonių, pagardų, imbierinių sausainių ir kt. Na, žodžiu, visko, kas aštru :) O aš šį penktadienį iš pašto atsiėmiau savąją.
Savojoje raudonoje dėžutėje radau laaabai dailiu šriftu parašytą laiškelį nuo Kim, detaliai paaiškinantį, kas ir kodėl pakliuvo į siuntinuką. Mano rūpestingoji Foodie Penpal paaiškino, kad norėjo atsiųsti man kažką iš vietinių gardumynų, ko mes tikriausiai negalime rasti Lietuvoje. Pirmiausiai - airiškos bulvių duonos (nepatikėsit, bet bulvės šiuose paplotėliuose sudaro net 91 proc.), kuri, Wikipedia (ir mano) žiniomis, yra itin populiari Šiaurės Airijoje ir dažniausiai patiekiama kartu su sočiaisiais angliškais (=airiškais) pusryčiais. Dar viena vietinė Mančesterio gėrybė yra Eccles pyragėliai - trapios tešlos pyragiukai su daaaaug razinų įdaro. Tikrai įdomus vietinis skanumynas. Siuntinyje taip pat radau lenkišką šokoladuką, plantanų (didžiųjų bananų) traškučių bei įvairių arbatų rinkinuką (arbatos mane visada džiugina ir jos visada visada reikalingos... ir greit baigiasi :D). Labai ačiū Kim už įdomias siuntinuko dalis :)
Aš nebūčiau aš, jei iškart neišbandyčiau ir neparagaučiau, ką čia gavau. Viena iš arbatų buvo mano taip mėgstama gėlytė (na, žinot, kur iš pradžių būna mažiukas rutuliukas, kuris užpylus karštu vandeniu pavirsta gėlyte? tai va). Na, ir suprantama, būtinai turėjau paragauti ir eccles pyragiuką (beje, jis nuotraukoje aukštyn kojom... nenaudėlis).
Jei kas susidomėjote, apie Foodie Penpal galite pasiskaityti Carol Anne tinklaraštyje Rock Salt (Europos maistinukams) arba Lindsay tinklaraštyje The Lean Green Bean (Amerikos žmogiukams).
Jei kas susidomėjote, apie Foodie Penpal galite pasiskaityti Carol Anne tinklaraštyje Rock Salt (Europos maistinukams) arba Lindsay tinklaraštyje The Lean Green Bean (Amerikos žmogiukams).
Post office in my neighbourhood has stopped bringing deliveries to my door. It's been a half of year since the last delivery. Rgistered, non-registered, simple parcels, even thin registered letters do not come to my post box. I have to go pick them myself. Sure, it's only about 5 minutes to walk to the post office, however its working hours are convenient only to the post office employers - 9-5h. That is the reason I can only pick my parcels up from the post offices four times a month - on Fridays, when my work ends an hour early. Believe me, it does not make me happy. Especially when on Tuesday I learn I have a parcel full of delicious things waiting for me in the post office and yet I have to wait till Friday to pick it up. This month I was lucky enough to receive a parcel from Kim. My parcel travelled to Cheshire county, to a lovely woman Abbie. Abbie had mentioned she liked using spices in her food so in her Foodie Penpal box she found various spices and condiments, ginger cookies etc. Well, stuff that is spicy and hot :) And as for me, on Friday I paid my post office a visit and picked up my box.
In my red box I found a letter from Kim, neatly handwritten and explaining what and why the certain thing was in the parcel. My mindful Penpal noted that she really wanted to include some local food items that I probably couldn't get in Lithuania. First of all, some Irish potato bread (you probably wouldn't believe this, but there is 91 percent of potatoes in those farls), which, as Wikipedia informed me, is really popular in North Ireland and usually is served along with full English (=Irish) breakfast. One more local Manchester goodie is Eccles cakes - little cakes made from flaky pastry with raisins and currants filling. Really interesting local delicacy. In the parcel I also found a Polish chocolate bar, a bag of plantain chips, and various teas (I always enjoy tea and am always always in a need of a great tea... plus I run out of tea so fast :D). Thank you so much, Kim, for the interesting items in my parcel :)
I wouldn't be myself, if I didn't try and taste everything right away. One of the teas sent to me was my fave flower tea (you know, the one which in the beginning is a little tiny ball, then you pour some hot water on it and it blossoms into a big flower.. that one). And of course, I just had to have one eccles cake (by the way, in the picture the cake is upside down... what a naughty cake).
If anyone is interested, you can read more about Foodie Penpals on Carol Anne's blog Rock Salt (for European foodies) or on Lindsay's blog The Lean Green Bean (for Americans).
In my red box I found a letter from Kim, neatly handwritten and explaining what and why the certain thing was in the parcel. My mindful Penpal noted that she really wanted to include some local food items that I probably couldn't get in Lithuania. First of all, some Irish potato bread (you probably wouldn't believe this, but there is 91 percent of potatoes in those farls), which, as Wikipedia informed me, is really popular in North Ireland and usually is served along with full English (=Irish) breakfast. One more local Manchester goodie is Eccles cakes - little cakes made from flaky pastry with raisins and currants filling. Really interesting local delicacy. In the parcel I also found a Polish chocolate bar, a bag of plantain chips, and various teas (I always enjoy tea and am always always in a need of a great tea... plus I run out of tea so fast :D). Thank you so much, Kim, for the interesting items in my parcel :)
I wouldn't be myself, if I didn't try and taste everything right away. One of the teas sent to me was my fave flower tea (you know, the one which in the beginning is a little tiny ball, then you pour some hot water on it and it blossoms into a big flower.. that one). And of course, I just had to have one eccles cake (by the way, in the picture the cake is upside down... what a naughty cake).
If anyone is interested, you can read more about Foodie Penpals on Carol Anne's blog Rock Salt (for European foodies) or on Lindsay's blog The Lean Green Bean (for Americans).