(Please scroll down for English version of the post)
Rugsėjo pradžioje arba viduryje (galima, aš neieškosiu, kada tiksliai, nes labai labai tingiu) visai atsitiktinai twitter'yje pamačiau Foodie Penpal Europos organizatorės Carol Anne tweet'ą (pačiulbėjimą lietuviškai tariant), klausiantį, ar kas nors galėtų išsiųsti paguodos siuntinuką vienai iš FP dalyvių. Kadangi man tikrai patinka vaikščioti po parduotuves ir ieškoti kažko tokio ypatingo bei pakuoti dėžutes (na, nebūčiau moteris, tiesa), pasisiūliau. Carol Anne paaiškino, jog Zoe tris mėnesius iš eilės negavo savo siuntinuko arba gavo tokį, kuris neatitiko jos dietinių reikalavimų, tad mūsų FP organizatorei buvo labai nepatogu ir nesmagu taip nuvilti kažką. Susirašėme su Zoe, sužinojau, kad ji nevartoja jokių saldiklių, cukrų ar kitokių panašių saldumą teikiančių produktų ir išsirengiau ruošti puošti savo siuntinuko. Tiesa, pagal visą idėją man siuntinukas iš Zoe nepriklausė (o aš ir nesitikėjau nieko), bet Zoe užsispyrusi klausė, ar galėtų ji man atsiųsti mielą pačios pagamintą niekutį. Tad tikrai negalėjau atsisakyti nuo tokios dovanėlės. Saviškį siuntinuką supakavau ir išsiunčiau. Jo kelionė truko ganėtinai ilgai palyginti su visų kitų siuntinių, siųstų į Angliją (pamoka man niekada nesiųsti pačios keptų begliutenių ir becukrių kepinių, nes kelionės jie gali ir neatlaikyti), bet galiausiai pasiekė Zoe. Čia pirmoji istorijos dalis baigiasi.
Zoe mane informavo, kad man išsiuntė little something (liet. kažką mažo), bet praėjo savaitė ir aš visiškai užmiršau. Tada šeštadienio rytą pašto dėžutėje radau lapuką su informacija, jog krovinių pristatymo firma turi siuntinį. Prisiekiu, buvau šimtu procentu įsitikinusi, jog jie supainiojo adresą, nes aš nieko nelaukiau. Pirmadienio popietę gavau tą siuntinį ne man. Pasirodo, vis tik man. Sveriantis 3 kg su visais privalomais krovinio važtaražčiais ir muitinės deklaracijomis. Steibelėjausi į milžinišką dėžę, apklijuotą FRAGILE (liet. dūžta) užrašais ir svarsčiau, ar verta ją atidaryti. Nes, na žinot, gal čia man mafija grasinimą atsiuntė (kas daugiau be jos gali sau leisti siųsti tokio dydžio krovinį?). Galiausiai smalsumas nugalėjo ir aš dviejų peilių ir žirklių pagalba atidariau savąjį ne mano siuntinį. Viduje dailiai į rausvą popierių bei burbulinę plėvelę supakuoti gulėjo maisto produktai. Zoe man atsiuntė visai ne little something, bet pusę maisto parduotuvės. Mano siuntinukas kažkur Anglijoje jautėsi gan susigėdęs, jog jis toks mažytis ir nupiepęs. Pagal FP taisykles, siuntinio vertė (be siuntimo išlaidų) negali viršyti 10 svarų, tačiau Zoe siuntinuke tokios vertės buvo mano jau pirmasis ištrauktas daiktelis. Suprantama, Zoe lengvai gavo velnių nuo manęs (tik lengvai, nes pritaikius posakį dovanotam arkliui į dantis nežiūrima, mano arklys turėjo susidėjęs auksinius), kad išlaidavo, į ką ji atsakė, jog mano toks dosnus poelgis yra retas šiandieninėj visuomenėj, tad ji tiesiog norėjo man parodyti, kaip vertina mano kilnų gestą (oi, kažkaip net nepatogu girtis :D).
Štai mano gėrybės, kurias gavau (nors kai kurių čia nesimato). Labiausiai nustebino visa receptų knyga, pilna tikrų angliškų patiekalų. Ar begali būti geresnė dovana tinklaraštininkei, įsimylėjusiai maistą ir virtuvę?
Žiūrėkit, žiūrėkit, gavau garstyčių miltelių!!! Planavau planavau namie pasigaminti majonezo induką ir štai koks netikėtumas - gavau mano ieškotų garstyčių miltelių. Pasiruoškit, nes tuoj bloge rasit krūvas receptų su majonezu :D Labai džiaugiausi gavusi ir Marmite - tikrą britišką užtepą, mielių ekstraktą, pagamintą iš verdamo alaus liekanų (žinau, skamba tragiškai, bet dalis britų jį tikrai dievina, o, sako, ten ir vitaminų nemažai). Visada norėjau paragauti. Dabar beliko tik pamėgti jį. Matote tą dailiai supakuoti indelį su banteliu? Čia pačios Zoe pagaminta juodųjų serbentų uogienė. Tokį grožį reikia saugoti kur ant lentynos, kad puoštų virtuvę ir verstų visus pavydėti (o ne pradaryti ir pusę indelio suvalgyt... kaip kad ne kai kas padarė... pirštais nerodysim...). Du pakučiai tikros angliškos arbatos - English Breakfast dėžutė iškart nukeliavo į darbą kofeino dozei mieguistais rytais palaikyti, o The Earl Grey sėdi namučiuos ir laukia savo draugo - migdolų pieno beatvykstant.
Mėlynoje dėželėje slėpėsi Jaffa Cakes sausainiai (biskvitas ir apelsinų džemas aplieti šokoladu - niam niam), o tradiciniai škotiški sviestiniai sausainiai buvo labai palankiai sutikti kolegų ("O tai jau nebeliko?"). Kvadratinė raudona dėžutė buvo pilna dailių vienetinių šokolado saldainių ir nudžiugino tiek mane, tiek mano šeimą (kaip, beje, ir Jaffa Cakes). Paskutinioji Zoe siuntinio dalis - garsusis šachmatinis Battenberg pyragas, sukurtas dar 1884-aisiais Anglijos monarchų vestuvių garbei. Kaip tik šią vasarą teko žiūrėti The Great British Bake-off seriją, kur dalyviai gamino Battenberg pyragą, ir man tuomet buvo itin smalsu, kokiu gi skoniu pasižymi ši šachmatinė įžymybė. Zoe dėka žinau - migdolų.
Dar šiek tiek jus paerzinsiu savaisiais šokoladiniais gardumynais. Prašom pasižiūrėti, ko netenkant nedalyvaudami Foodie Penpals tinkle. Tad greit marš visi užsiregistruoti pas Carol Anne iš Rock Salt.
Na, o aš tuo tarpu einu iš A Taste Of England išsirinksiu, ką čia man šiandien pasiteikti pusryčiams (ir pietums, ir vakarienei).
Ačiū Zoe, už nepakartojamą siuntinį. Tikrai neturiu nei žodžių, nei gestų, pakankamų išreikšti, kokia dėkinga jaučiuosi.
Jei kas susidomėjote, apie Foodie Penpal galite pasiskaityti Carol Anne tinklaraštyje Rock Salt (Europos maistinukams) arba Lindsay tinklaraštyje The Lean Green Bean (Amerikos žmogiukams).
In the beginning or middle of September (I am just too lazy to check the exact date) absolutely by accident saw a tweet by European Foodie Penpal organizer Carol Anne, asking if anyone would be up to sending a solace parcel to one of Foodie Penpals in need. Since I really like shopping and searching for something special to pack into little boxes (therefore, I am a woman), I took the job (figuratively speaking). Carol Anne explained me that a fellow Foodie Penpal Zoe hadn't received her last three parcels (or received one but it didn't meet Zoe's dietary requirements) so our organizer felt for Zoe and didn't want to disappoint her that much. I contacted Zoe, learnt she didn't eat sugar, sweeteners or any other additives which make food taste sweet and went searching for the appropriate items for Zoe's parcel. According to the whole idea, I wasn't supposed to get anything in return from Zoe (and I sincerely didn't expect anything), but Zoe was stubborn and kept asking if she could send me a little something made by her. Of course, I couldn't say no to that so I agreed. I packed my parcel and sent it to Zoe. Sure, parcel's journey took way longer than I anticipated (that's a lesson for me not to send anything baked, gluten free and sugar free to England, as it might not survive throughout the trip) but it finally reached my Foodie Penpal. This is the end of the first part of the story.
Zoe informed me that she had sent something little for me, but of course, a week went by and I absolutely forgot about it. Then on a Saturday morning in my post inbox I found a note saying that a delivery company has a parcel for me. I swear, I was 100 % sure they had the wrong address, since I wasn't expecting any parcel. Then on Monday I received the said not for me parcel. It turned out to be for me. Weighing 3 kg with all required cargo waybills and custom forms. I kept staring at the huge box covered with FRAGILE stickers and contemplated if I should open it. Since, well, you know, maybe that's the Mob sending me a threat (since who else besides them can afford such huge parcels?). Finally the curiosity took better of me and using two knives and scissors I opened my not-mine parcel. Inside wrapped in a lovely pink paper and bubble wrap there lied food items. Zoe sent me not little something but rather half of supermarket. According to FP rules the value of the parcel cannot exceed 10 pounds, however in Zoe's parcel the first item already was worth that sum. Of course, I scolded Zoe a bit (since in the saying "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth" mentioned horse had pure gold in that mouth in my case) for spreading out too much. To that she replied saying that my generous act is rare in today's society, so she just wanted to show how much she valued my kind gesture (ahem, I feel a bit uncomfortable bragging like this).
Here they are, all the goodies I received (though you can't see some of them in the picture). I was absolutely surprised by the recipe book full of real English meals. Can there be any better gift for a blogger, who is in love with food and cooking?
Look, look, look, I've got some mustard powder!!! I have been planning for so long to make homemade mayonnaise and such a surprise - I got that much needed mustard powder. Be prepared as you're gonna see lots of recipes using mayo on this blog. I was happy to receive a jar of Marmite - a real British spread, yeast extract, made out of what's left after brewing the beer (I know, sounds terrible, but lots of British love it and also there are tons of vitamins). I've always wanted to try it. Now all it's left is to learn to love it :) Do you see that nicely packed jar with a ribbon? This is black currant jam made by Zoe herself. This beauty should be preserved somewhere on the shelf so it would grace the kitchen and make everyone jealous (and not open it and eat half of the jar... like someone already did... not gonna point out who). Du boxes of real English tea - English Breakfast one travelled to work right away so that a dose of caffeine would wake me up in the morning and The Earl Grey one stayed at home waiting for its friend - the almond milk.
In the blue Jaffa Cakes box there were delicious cookies (sponge cake, orange jam and chocolate) while traditional Scotish butter shortbread made my coworkers really happy ("So, there's none left?"). A square red box was full of pretty chocolate candy and cheered up a lot both me and my family (and so did Jaffa cakes). The last piece of Zoe's parcel was the famous chess-like Batteberg cake invented in 1884 for a wedding of English royalty. This summer I've watched the Great British Bake-off show and the participants had to make Battenberg cake, so I was really curious what the cake tasted like. Now thanks to Zoe, I know exactly - like almonds.
I am gonna tease you a bit more with my chocolates. Just look at what you're not getting if not participating in Foodie Penpals. So go right now and register on Rock Salt by Carol Anne.
Meanwhile I am gonna go find a recipe of what to make myself for breakfast (or lunch, or dinner) from this great book A Taste of England.
Thank you, Zoe, for such a wonderful parcel. I have no words or gestures to describe how thankful I am.
If anyone is interested, you can read more about Foodie Penpals on Carol Anne's blog Rock Salt (for European foodies) or on Lindsay's blog The Lean Green Bean (for Americans).
In the beginning or middle of September (I am just too lazy to check the exact date) absolutely by accident saw a tweet by European Foodie Penpal organizer Carol Anne, asking if anyone would be up to sending a solace parcel to one of Foodie Penpals in need. Since I really like shopping and searching for something special to pack into little boxes (therefore, I am a woman), I took the job (figuratively speaking). Carol Anne explained me that a fellow Foodie Penpal Zoe hadn't received her last three parcels (or received one but it didn't meet Zoe's dietary requirements) so our organizer felt for Zoe and didn't want to disappoint her that much. I contacted Zoe, learnt she didn't eat sugar, sweeteners or any other additives which make food taste sweet and went searching for the appropriate items for Zoe's parcel. According to the whole idea, I wasn't supposed to get anything in return from Zoe (and I sincerely didn't expect anything), but Zoe was stubborn and kept asking if she could send me a little something made by her. Of course, I couldn't say no to that so I agreed. I packed my parcel and sent it to Zoe. Sure, parcel's journey took way longer than I anticipated (that's a lesson for me not to send anything baked, gluten free and sugar free to England, as it might not survive throughout the trip) but it finally reached my Foodie Penpal. This is the end of the first part of the story.
Zoe informed me that she had sent something little for me, but of course, a week went by and I absolutely forgot about it. Then on a Saturday morning in my post inbox I found a note saying that a delivery company has a parcel for me. I swear, I was 100 % sure they had the wrong address, since I wasn't expecting any parcel. Then on Monday I received the said not for me parcel. It turned out to be for me. Weighing 3 kg with all required cargo waybills and custom forms. I kept staring at the huge box covered with FRAGILE stickers and contemplated if I should open it. Since, well, you know, maybe that's the Mob sending me a threat (since who else besides them can afford such huge parcels?). Finally the curiosity took better of me and using two knives and scissors I opened my not-mine parcel. Inside wrapped in a lovely pink paper and bubble wrap there lied food items. Zoe sent me not little something but rather half of supermarket. According to FP rules the value of the parcel cannot exceed 10 pounds, however in Zoe's parcel the first item already was worth that sum. Of course, I scolded Zoe a bit (since in the saying "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth" mentioned horse had pure gold in that mouth in my case) for spreading out too much. To that she replied saying that my generous act is rare in today's society, so she just wanted to show how much she valued my kind gesture (ahem, I feel a bit uncomfortable bragging like this).
Here they are, all the goodies I received (though you can't see some of them in the picture). I was absolutely surprised by the recipe book full of real English meals. Can there be any better gift for a blogger, who is in love with food and cooking?
Look, look, look, I've got some mustard powder!!! I have been planning for so long to make homemade mayonnaise and such a surprise - I got that much needed mustard powder. Be prepared as you're gonna see lots of recipes using mayo on this blog. I was happy to receive a jar of Marmite - a real British spread, yeast extract, made out of what's left after brewing the beer (I know, sounds terrible, but lots of British love it and also there are tons of vitamins). I've always wanted to try it. Now all it's left is to learn to love it :) Do you see that nicely packed jar with a ribbon? This is black currant jam made by Zoe herself. This beauty should be preserved somewhere on the shelf so it would grace the kitchen and make everyone jealous (and not open it and eat half of the jar... like someone already did... not gonna point out who). Du boxes of real English tea - English Breakfast one travelled to work right away so that a dose of caffeine would wake me up in the morning and The Earl Grey one stayed at home waiting for its friend - the almond milk.
In the blue Jaffa Cakes box there were delicious cookies (sponge cake, orange jam and chocolate) while traditional Scotish butter shortbread made my coworkers really happy ("So, there's none left?"). A square red box was full of pretty chocolate candy and cheered up a lot both me and my family (and so did Jaffa cakes). The last piece of Zoe's parcel was the famous chess-like Batteberg cake invented in 1884 for a wedding of English royalty. This summer I've watched the Great British Bake-off show and the participants had to make Battenberg cake, so I was really curious what the cake tasted like. Now thanks to Zoe, I know exactly - like almonds.
I am gonna tease you a bit more with my chocolates. Just look at what you're not getting if not participating in Foodie Penpals. So go right now and register on Rock Salt by Carol Anne.
Meanwhile I am gonna go find a recipe of what to make myself for breakfast (or lunch, or dinner) from this great book A Taste of England.
Thank you, Zoe, for such a wonderful parcel. I have no words or gestures to describe how thankful I am.
If anyone is interested, you can read more about Foodie Penpals on Carol Anne's blog Rock Salt (for European foodies) or on Lindsay's blog The Lean Green Bean (for Americans).
Kaip smagu! Geri darbai sugrįžta su kaupu!
AtsakytiPanaikintiBet man tai kažkaip net nepatogu, kad tokiu kiekiu tas mano darbas sugrįžo :)
PanaikintiSo so so English gift :) Lucky Girl :) And Good girl! :) I believe Zoe was also happy to pack it for you :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiGarstyčių sudėty yra kokių pašalinių dalykėlių? Majonezo noris naminio išmėginti (o shaize..teks aliejaus pirkti..sako negalima gero alyvuogių naudot..reik ta prastesnį, ne extra virgin), o garstyčių miltelių nesu naudojus, nes neseniai iš vis jas pradėjau mėgti/naudoti/patikti :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiSudėtis: mustard flour. Viskas :| Jooo, aš ir negaliu prisiversti prasto alyvuogių aliejaus nusipirkti. Nu man gaila tų šešių litų :DD vis tiek nieko iš to aliejaus nebus :D
AtsakytiPanaikintiI'm a real fan of Marmite -- can't live without it! :) Tasted the XO-version earlier this year on a visit to Sheffield (= Extra Old). YUM!
AtsakytiPanaikintiManau, kad Jūsų gerumas tikrai sugrįžo su kaupu. Juk jūs rūpinotės ir dėjote tiksliai to, ko ji norėjo. Manau, kad tokių siuntų dėka atsirado dar didesnis noras dalyvauti tokiame projekte.
AtsakytiPanaikintiMalonėkite nesireklamuoti.